The Journey Begins

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Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


Published by ajoyfuladventures

Hey! I am Mary Joy Almojuela ㅡ a mass communication graduate who was dreaming about travelling and writing the stories behind my joyful journey. Having a regular 8 hours and 5 days work a day in an advertising company, I was able to plan a travel itinerary by myself during my day-off. A girl who loves to took photographs of sea waves, blue skies, colorful flowers and wonders of nature. Yes. At first I am afraid to go alone but when I get outside my comfort zone, the fear inside didn't stop me from chasing my passion. This is the life of travel and I hope to see you one day through this joyful sole adventure. "So come and join me in my dream world. Aja!.

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